Batter Up! DMG Partners With Old Forge Little League!
Players, coaches, family, friends, and league officials attended Opening Day for Old Forge Little League Saturday morning at Miles Street Park in Old Forge. The event began with a parade through Old Forge Borough that included 21 teams from Tee Ball, Girls Soft Ball, Boys Coach Pitch, Girls Coach Pitch, Boys Minor League, and Boys Major League. Festivities for the day included an opening ceremony, an award presentation for the 2022 Pennsylvania Little League District 17 Champions, Tee Ball skills & drills, and several exhibition games for all age groups.

Vendors, concessions, raffles, music and activities for the kids made for a fantastic community event that was a sure-fire sign that summer is on its way! DMG would like to thank the Old Forge Little League for allowing us to a be part of opening day and we are delighted to be included in a group of terrific local sponsors, not only for the event itself, but also for our very own Girls 8U Softball Team (Get a load of those snazzy jerseys)!
We’re proud of our girls, proud of our community and committed to supporting our local community through similar initiatives in the future!